

Printable Organic and Perovskite Solar Cells for Clean Energy

主讲人:Alex Jen 院士




  Our recent study on charge generation and recombination in bulk-heterojunction and planar-mixed heterojunction blends comprising a crystalline polymer donor with Se-containing Y6-derived non-fullerene acceptors has shown both high photovoltaic internal quantum efficiencies and high external electroluminescence quantum efficiencies. Crystallographic and spectroscopic studies reveal that the pseudo-2D, fused-ring molecular acceptors are not only intrinsically highly luminescent but also meets the criteria in achieving intrinsically radiative recombination within the blend by promoting delocalized excitons with much longer luminescent lifetime and reduced exciton binding energies. These results provide the important demonstration of efficient OPV blends to achieve PCEs >20%. Regarding the development of perovskite solar cells (PSCs), several novel interface and additive engineering approaches have been developed to enable PSCs to show very high PCE (26.3% certified) and stability in the inverted architecture devices. Moreover, new multifunctional redox mediators have also been developed to overcome the halide segregation issues that strongly hinder the development of highly efficient and stable large-bandgap PSCs. The resulting devices showed very low photovoltage loss and high PCE >20%. Their integration with OPV to form 2-T tandem devices has shown record-high PCE of 26.2% with good operational stability. Finally, the scalability and environmental stability of PSCs will be discussed to show their promise for commercialization.


  Alex Jen is the Lee Shau-Kee Chair Professor and the Founding Director of the Hong Kong Institute for Clean Energy at the City University of Hong Kong. He also served as the Provost of CityU during 2016-2020. He received his B.S. from the National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in USA. Before arriving at CityU, he had served as the Boeing-Johnson Chair Professor and Chair of the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at the University of Washington, Seattle. He was also appointed as the Chief Scientist for the Clean Energy Institute endowed by the Washington State Governor. He is a distinguished researcher who published more than 1,100 SCI papers with >95,000 citations and an H-index of 158. He also co-invented 73 patents and invention disclosures.

  For his pioneering contributions in organic photonics and electronics, Professor Jen was elected as Academician by both the European Academy of Sciences and the Washington State Academy of Sciences. He was also elected as Fellow for several professional societies, including AAAS, MRS, ACS, PMSE, OSA, and SPIE. He was named by the Times Higher Education (THE) in 2018 as one of the “Top 10 University Researchers in Perovskite Solar Cell Research”. In addition, he was recognized by Thomson Reuters as one of the World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds of 2015 and 2016 and by Clarivate as a Highly Cited Researcher in Materials Science from 2014-2023. He was appointed as the Changjiang Endowed Chair by the Chinese Ministry of Education, the World Class University Professor by the Korean National Research Foundation, Chair Professor by the Zhejiang University, the Distinguished Chair Professor of the National Taiwan University, and as a Honorable Professor by Xi’an Jiaotong University.